plant reproduction

Introduction to the propagation method of ZiBao

  ZiBao has a small plant, although it is a succulent, but the plant is small and grows slowly, so it is ideal for small pots. There are many varieties of ZiBao and they are full of character, making them ideal for tables, balconies, desks, windowsills and so on.


  Zi Bao like semi-shady and ventilated place, like loose fertile, well-drained sandy loam as cultivation substrate, if there are conditions, the potting soil used can be made from rotting leaves, fine sand, garden soil; hardy, overwintering temperature is not less than 5 ℃; summer can not be exposed to the sun, Zi Bao sun exposure will be scorched, sun out of the black spots and thin leaves, not bright green and other poor growth conditions, drought tolerant.

  Although Zi Bao grows slowly, but its base often sprouted many small buds, so the propagation of more for the division of plants, can also be sown. Zi Bao plant is small, slow-growing, full of characteristics, varieties, suitable for small pots planted in the window sill, desk, desk, balcony, etc., is more ideal for the table side of the cultivated plants.

plant reproduction

Three methods of propagation of broadleaf top ten kung fu

  Broad-leaved ten Gonglao is a collection of leaves, flowers, fruit of a plant, its cultivation history is long, and the whole plant can be used as medicine, so in the folk is a very popular plant. In the market, the broadleaf ten Gonglao also has a very good prospect, Xiaobing will introduce you to the broadleaf ten Gonglao’s three propagation methods.

Broadleaf ten Gonglao

  First, sowing propagation method

  Fruit in late November before maturity, December fruit, first do not thresh, pile them up over a period of time after ripening, and then rubbed off the peel, the seed panned clean, dry winter sowing or mixed with wet sand Zang winter, spring sowing in March of the following year in the open ground seedbed open ditch strip sowing, germination temperature 20-22 ℃. Row spacing 15-20cm, ditch depth of 7cm, mulch thickness of 2-2.5cm, late April began to sprout out of the soil should be even if the cover grass uncovered, mouldy rain after the erection of reed curtains or sunshade net cane shade. There are also places to take hole sowing, hole spacing of 20cm or so, each hole sprinkled seed 4 or so, mulch 6cm or so; can also be stored in the clean seed germination in wet sand, to be its seed cracks white, and then open the furrow sowing, the seedlings are more neat and consistent. Hole sowing saves seeds, keep the soil moist after sowing, about 2 weeks time can be seedling. Early spring of the next year, transplanted once, still continue to cane shade, in the cultivation of a year can be out of the nursery. Live seedlings will not flower until 4-5 years after planting.

  Seedlings need to be cultivated in the nursery bed after 2-3 years, when the seedling height of 30-40cm can be transplanted, generally transplanted in March-April each year, arid and semi-arid areas in the autumn in September-October transplantation is good. Before planting, dig out the seedlings and cut off part of the leaves to reduce the evaporation area. Make a good ground, make a 130cm wide bed, the length of the bed according to the number of seedlings and the terrain to determine the specific. The rows of plants are spaced 30cm apart according to digging a pit to plant a plant, fill the soil to the ground level, watering root water, water seepage in the cover of a layer of moisture barrier soil.

  Second, split-plant propagation method

  Broadleaf ten Gonglao planting in mid-October to mid-November or spring in late February to late March. Broadleaf ten Gonglao’s stem was clumps of strong upright upward growth, weak branching force cuttings propagation need to cut off the stem of the strip, so that the mother plant can not be temporarily ornamental, so more winter pots to change the soil, the whole clump of plants cork to open up the pots planting, after the survival of the original stem for short cuts to promote the root system to sprout new tiller strips and the formation of a new plant clumps. Transplantation in spring and autumn can be, stay in the soil or with mud ball, maintenance management is simple, pay attention to pruning dead branches, keep the plant tidy.

  Third, cuttings propagation method

  Ten broad-leaved Gonglao cuttings propagation should be carried out in late March, take the winter deciduous robust stem to do spike, according to a 15cm section cut open, inserted into the loose fertile sandy loam soil, into the soil depth of 10cm, and set up reed curtains or sunshade net cane shade. In the north should be taken in June to July shoot cuttings, cuttings 10 to 12cm long, retain the apex of a compound leaf, the apex of the compound leaflets cut off, only the base of the 2 branches of leaflets and cut off 1/2, with vegetative sand inserted into large pots, into the soil depth of 5cm, sugar cane shade maintenance, after autumn can grow new roots, before the winter seedlings into pots, and then moved into the cold room over winter.

plant cultivation

The role of onion and garlic in the cultivation of flowers and plants

  There are many things in our daily life can be used for the maintenance of flowers and plants, common onion and garlic in the maintenance of flowers and plants have many uses. I will analyse the use of onion and garlic in the process of flower and plant maintenance, interested flower friends can learn together.

Melaleuca alternifolia (details)

  Garlic to make pesticides. Garlic peeled, mashed into mud, add the right amount of water, can be measured by 1 kg of garlic to 300 ml of water, soak for 1 hour, and then boiled, cooled, filtered that is, foliar spray chrysanthemums (details), guayule chrysanthemums, flowers, such as the moon season, can be effective in the prevention and control of aphids, mesquite, and so on.

  Garlic to make fresh cut flowers preservation liquid. In the storage of fresh cut flowers in the container, according to 100 ml of water to join the proportion of 5 ml of garlic original liquid, and then add 2 ml of alcohol, about 2 grams of sugar that is made. Replace every three days, for chrysanthemums, balsam fir, etc. can extend the freshness period of 5 to 7 days.

  Onion production pesticide. Take 1 kg of green onion washed, chopped and mashed into 400 ml of water, soaked for 2 hours, filtered to extract the original juice. Spraying flowers and trees need to be diluted 6 to 8 times, for the prevention and control of fuchsia, jasmine and other flowers on the red spider pest effect is remarkable. Family flowers can be dipped in cotton swabs to apply the original juice on the surface of the leaves, can effectively control red spider, aphids.

  Onion can also be used as a flower seed treatment solution, flower seeds in the seed treatment, adding onion juice can kill fungi and viruses inside and outside the seed, but also promote the growth of the embryonic root, effectively improve the seeding rate of seedlings.

plant cultivation

Analysis of the reasons why the tiger orchid grows not high

  Tiger lily is a relatively common indoor foliage plants, some flower lovers hope that their tiger lily can grow up to be taller, but some varieties of tiger lily itself can not grow taller. If your tiger orchid can’t grow tall, it’s not a variety problem, you need to find the reason from the daily care.

Tiger Orchid

  Firstly, the temperature is too low or too high, it can’t grow well if it is put under 10 degrees or above 30 degrees for a long time, and naturally it can’t grow tall.

  Second, root rot, which is mainly caused by improper watering, if too much water, root rot, naturally, also affects the growth.

  Third, the light is unreasonable, some people never let it see the sun, this is very unfavourable to the growth of tiger orchids, natural growth.

  Fourth, insufficient fertiliser, this is a common problem, if there is not enough fertiliser can not, fertiliser is mainly nitrogen-based.

plant reproduction

The key points of propagation of lyre coral

  Gin leaf coral flowering period is relatively long, but the flowers are not large, brightly coloured gin leaf coral still has a certain status in China’s landscaping. Now, it is still widely used in the landscape and large potted plants.

Gin Leaf Coral

  Gin Leaf Coral is commonly propagated by cuttings, which are taken in spring. Gin Leaf Coral is an excellent garden ornamental flowers, cuttings test results show that: hard cuttings have a high survival rate, the number of main roots, root length; spikes with CPD rooting powder 400mg/kg treatment, river sand as cuttings substrate, branch spread 16 ~ 20d and then cut into spikes cuttings the best results.

  With the development of the economy, people’s requirements for landscaping continue to improve, the more widely used gin coral, gin coral because of its beautiful leaves, flowers, long flowering period, easy to propagate and maintain the characteristics, in the garden hair extraordinary application.

plant reproduction

Sowing propagation method of Bird cherry

  Artificial cultivation of Bird cherry is not difficult, artificial propagation of Bird cherry can be used in the method of seeding, as long as you understand the growth habit of Bird cherry, Bird cherry seeding survival rate can also be increased a lot. I will introduce you to the seed propagation of thick plum, like thick plum friends can learn together.

Bird cherry (details)

  1, seed collection

  Choose 20 ~ 30 years old, good dry shape, no pests and diseases of the mother tree, around early July when the drupe skin from the green to yellow collection in time, otherwise easy to be eaten by birds. Recovered fruit spread indoors after ripening for 4 to 5 days, to the skin soft, rubbing off the skin, rinsed, cooled indoors for 1 to 2 days, indoor sand storage. However, because of the hot season, improper storage of seeds is very easy to mould, to pick and sow as appropriate, the peel does not have to deal with. Seed rate of about 20% of the drupe, 1,000 grains weighing 50 grams, per kilogram has 22,000 seeds. Nursery germination rate of up to 65%.

  2, seedling

  Light-loving, cold-tolerant, shallow-rooted, in slightly acidic and neutral, calcareous soil can grow. It is advisable to choose loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam as a nursery. When preparing the ground, apply 1500 kg of rotted organic fertiliser per mu, 50 kg of phosphate fertiliser and 10 kg of urea. Strip sowing, strip spacing 20 ~ 25 cm, sowing at the end of February, 7.5 ~ 10 kg of seed per mu, after sowing cover wolf coat. When sown with the harvest, the seedlings can emerge in mid-March of the following year. To be most of the seedlings out of the ground, to uncover grass in a timely manner, uncovering grass too late easily caused by high feet, bent foot seedlings, affecting the seedlings.

  July to August for the seedling growth period, after September gradually slow, late October topped off the leaves. The current year’s seedling height of 70 to 100 cm, ground diameter of 0.6 to 0.8 cm, the middle of the seedling above the purplish red, 1.5 to 20,000 seedlings per mu.

plant cultivation

The key points of the pot plant waxberry in the summer

  Now, more and more flower lovers like to pot flowers, potted waxberry (details) is also relatively common. But when it comes to the hot summer, it is more difficult for the potted waxberry, so what problems should be paid attention to in the summer potted waxberry?

Wax Plum (Details)

  Raise good potted wax plum, can not be taken lightly at all times, summer high temperature sunburn, a little negligence and carelessness, the light caused by branch thin flower thin, reduce the ornamental value of the pile scenery; heavy caused by the whole plant withered, so that many years of careful cultivation of the ancient pile of wax plum destroyed in one fell swoop. According to years of maintenance and specific environmental conditions and the special characteristics of wax plum. The following techniques can be used to maintain. Firstly, set pots to moisturise. With pots larger than potted plants, or with a bamboo basket for fruit, wooden box, will be potted Tsoumei in which, and then with leaf litter or loose soil will be set of pots, bamboo basket bottom and around the filling, and then with a few pieces of small tiles or rolled into a large ring of plastic, fixed in the upper mouth of the inner edge of the set of things used, and with a rope or wire will be the tiles; plastic ring firmly, filled with loose culture soil, so that the wax plum exposed on the base of the main trunk of the dragon-claw-shaped lateral roots A good buried, you can prevent the summer sun exposure, but also to maintain the humidity around the wax plum potted plants and anti-heat effect. Secondly, cover things to increase humidity. In the ambient heat, can be covered by not easy to emit moisture material such as leaf litter, chaff ash, rags, old cotton, etc. to cover the pots to increase humidity, these substances one-time absorption of water, at least to keep in the high temperature and drought during the potted wax plum two days is in a moist state, which can ensure that the dry areas or high-rise balcony wax plum stumps will not be excessively dry because of the air and the loss of water and die. Third, shade and moisture. Wax plum sex like semi-shade, in the hot summer, midday sunburn, can shade or move into the shade.

plant cultivation

The good and bad analysis of the monarch bud change

  Junziran (details) bud change refers to three or four years after the cultivation of Junziran, around the rhizome is prone to produce tillers, commonly known as “axillary buds” (side buds, limb buds), with Junziran’s tillers from the mother plant to divide for reproduction, generally has the ability to maintain the characteristics of the original species, but sometimes also produce genetic mutations, resulting in a part of the plant or an organ with the characteristics of the original species. However, sometimes genetic mutation will be produced, resulting in a part of the plant or an organ having obvious difference with the characteristics of the original variety, such as the plant becomes shorter, the leaves become bigger and shorter, the leaf colour becomes more, the flowers and seeds are different, etc. This phenomenon is called “bud change”.

Monarch Orchid(Detailed introduction)

  For the majority of orchid enthusiasts, it is the best way to observe the orchids carefully, and declare the identification to the experts or the research department in time once the superior buds are found. It is easiest to find the variation of leaves when the axillary buds grow. After the occurrence of serious natural disasters, it is also a good time to discover the bud variations resistant to certain natural disasters. in late December 1999, Guangdong suffered from a historically rare freezing, with the lowest temperature reaching -4℃ to -5℃, and it is very likely to select and breed new varieties of cold-resistant buds and variations from those monarch orchids plants which have withstood the test of severe cold and have not been killed by the freezing.

  As the growing conditions of monarchs change, it often causes abnormal performance of monarchs as well. Therefore, the key is to make a comprehensive analysis of some mutation phenomena in the process of bud variation selection, and carefully distinguish whether it is bud variation or normal variation, the former is hereditary change, i.e., real variation, and the latter is reflected due to temporary changes in environmental conditions or cultivation management. Even if it is a true bud variation, some of the performance is relatively stable, while others are unstable, or even after a few years and then return to their original state, the variation disappears.

  If you find a superior strain, you have to go through the steps of preliminary selection, identification, re-selection, etc., and gradually select and breed it into a new variety. Specific practice is: when the preliminary identification is a real bud variation, should protect the plant, make a good mark, record the mutation situation, parts, characteristics, etc., in the second to third year of the first selection of buds for re-election, the fourth year for the final selection. For the particularly good bud varieties, they should be reproduced as soon as possible, so as to be ready for the market in the future and be named. Practice shows that the bud variation selection method of Junziran is simple, easy to grasp, quick results, and is a good way to select and breed new varieties.

plant reproduction

Peach leaf coral propagation method introduction

  Peach Leaf Coral is easy to cultivate and manage, and because it is shade tolerant, it is ideal for keeping indoor as a decorative plant. Artificial propagation of peach leaf coral usually use cuttings and sowing method, spring is the peach leaf coral growth season, appropriate pruning can make peach leaf coral faster growth.

Peach leaf coral

  Peach leaf coral commonly used cuttings and seed propagation. Cuttings propagation, in May-June period is best, choose the current year of robust and full peach leaf coral branches. The base with a few 2-year-old branches, about 15 cm long, leaving 2 leaves at the top, inserted into the sand bed. Peach leaf coral branches inserted after the need for shade, timely watering, to maintain a certain air humidity and temperature. In 20-25 ℃ conditions, about 50 days after insertion of peach leaf coral will be rooted.

  Peach leaf coral can also use water plug method, simple and convenient, high survival rate. For cuttings difficult to survive other varieties of peach leaf coral, can be used as a rootstock for grafting propagation of live seedlings. Seed propagation, winter fruit maturity, remove the pulp and wash the sand. Sowing in the spring, because the seeds have physiological maturation period, fewer seedlings that year, the second year a large number of seedlings.

plant reproduction

Introduction to the propagation method of wild peony

  Wild peony is a genus of wild peony in the family Paeoniaceae, and its flowering period is from May to July, and it is a common flower in acidic soil. Artificial propagation of wild peony can be done by sowing seeds and taking cuttings, usually in the spring.

Wild Peony

  As wild peony prefers warm and humid climate, it is slightly drought and barren tolerant. Therefore, it is better to cultivate it in sunny, loose soil with a lot of humus. The wild peony is widely distributed in most of the provinces and districts of Jiangnan, in the open field slopes, in the scrub forests beside the mountain roads, and under the sparse forests. It likes shade, suitable for growing in acidic soil, tolerates barrenness, has good resistance to pests and diseases, and is managed in a loose way. Need to prune in time after flowering to control the height and shape of the plant. It can be planted in the forest. Seedlings grow slowly, and cuttings should be taken in spring and summer for fast rooting.

  Wild peony is propagated by seeds. Sow seeds in spring from late March to early April, mix the seeds with grass ash or fine soil, evenly spread on the seedbed, cover with fine soil for 2cm, then cover with grass and water. Each 1h㎡ sowing amount 22.5 ~ 30kg, the temperature is above 25 ℃, about 20d seedling, after the seedling uncovered cover grass. Seedling height of about 15cm, according to the row spacing of 40cm × 40cm open holes, each hole planted 3 plants.